The project “Künstliche und kollektive Intelligenz zum Spurenstoff-Tracking in Oberflächenwasser für eine nachhaltige Trinkwassergewinnung K2I” started in April 2021. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the funding measure “Digital GreenTech - Environmental Technology Meets Digitalization” with almost 1 million euros. From April 2021 to September 2023, a cross-laboratory cloud solution is being developed with which water suppliers can quickly detect organic trace substances and narrow down possible sources on the basis of a supraregional database.
Data analysis techniques from statistics and machine learning are being evaluated to look for anomalies in the chemical profiles of the water samples.

A cloud workfloww for intelligent trace substance tracking in water
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Pauw, V., Hayek, M., Shojaei, E., Hachinger, S., Müller, U. & Bader, T., (2022). Cloud-based Processing of data from Non-Target-Analysis for Tracking Micropollutants in Surface Water. In: Wohlgemuth, V., Naumann, S., Arndt, H.-K., Behrens, G. & Höb, M. (Hrsg.), EnviroInfo 2022. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. (S. 15).