Johannes Munke¶
Johannes Munke holds an M.Sc. degree in Micro- and Nanotechnology and a B.Sc. in Engineering Physics. He has prior experience as a material scientist at TUM/FRM II and has been working at BADW-LRZ since 2019 as a member of both the Research Data Management Team (RDM) and the Environmental Computing Team (EnvComp). Among his various responsibilities, he supervises the development of the LRZ-HPC RDM Service and coordinates LRZ activities within the NFDI4Earth Project.
Selected Projects and Collaborations¶
NFDI4Earth (NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences, DFG/Bund-Länder, lead Prof. Dr. L. Bernard – TUDD)
CRC/TRR356 (Transregio “Genetic diversity shaping biotic interactions of plants” – “PlantMicrobe”, DFG, lead Prof. Dr. M. Parniske – LMU)
AlpEnDAC (Alpine Environmental Data Analysis Centre / Virtual Alpine Observatory, Bay. STMUV, lead Prof. M. Bittner – UAU/DLR)
InHPC-DE (Integration der nationalen Höchstleistungsrechenzentren Deutschlands, BMBF, lead GCS)
LEXIS (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society, Horizon Europe GA 825532, lead Dr. J. Martinovič – IT4Innovations/VSB-TUO)
Selected R&D Interests¶
Research Data Management (RDM)
Ontologies and Metadata Standards
Data Management Tools and Platforms (including Development)
FAIR Data Management for large datasets
Data-Driven Workflows in the realm of HPC and Cloud Computing
Further Information and Contact¶
Please feel free to have a look at my LinkedIn page.