Mohamad Hayek¶

MSc Mohamad Hayek (male) got his Master’s degree in Communications Engineering at the Technical University of Munich in 2015. He has worked at Intel for almost 2 years and EANTC for 1 year. Since 2019 he’s working as a Research Associate at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Garching. His research interests include Cloud Computing platforms and Data management. He is currently working on the EXA4MIND and projects with a focus on the Data Systems.
Selected Projects and Collaborations¶
EXA4MIND (EXtreme Analytics for MINing Data spaces, Horizon Europe GA 101092944, lead Dr. J. Martinovič – IT4Innovations/VSB-TUO)
bridging the gaps between databases, HPC and FAIR data ecosystems
smart vineyards as a specific environmental-computing use case (GA 101070014, lead Dr. M. Granitzer – UNIVERSITAT PASSAU (UNI PASSAU))
develop and pilot the core for a European Open Web Index
demonstrate how search applications and web-based AI data products can be realized through cooperative crawling, analysis, storing and indexing of web content
K2I (Kollektive x Künstliche Intelligenz)
Exploring the possibilities of collective data pooling and machine learning for analysing Non-Target Screening (LC-HRMS) Data of River water.
LEXIS (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society, Horizon Europe GA 825532, lead Dr. J. Martinovič – IT4Innovations/VSB-TUO)
leverage large-scale geographically-distributed resources from existing HPC infrastructure to run complicated workflows
run weather prediction workflows (WRF) over regions in Italy and France
Selected R&D Interests¶
Container orchestration systems
Microservice architecture
Data manegment systems
RESTful API application programming
Open standard cloud computing platforms
Further Information and Contact¶
Please feel free to have a look at my LinkedIn page.